詞 彙 | 英 譯 文 |
積極開放、有效管理 | Proactive liberalization with effective management |
戒急用忍政策 | The "no haste, be patient" policy |
小三通 | "Mini-three-links" |
多經濟、少政治,多接觸、少誤會,多信任、少打壓 | More economics, less politics; more communication, less misunderstanding; more cooperation, less intimidation. |
「建設性的合作」取代「排他性的對抗」 | Replacing "antagonistic exclusion" with "constructive cooperation" |
建設性的合作關係 | A relationship of constructive cooperation |
「善意和解、積極合作、永久和平」的精神 | [in the] or [a] spirit of goodwill, reconciliation, and permanent peace |
三項認知、四項建議 | "Three acknowledgements and four suggestions" |
九二年的精神 | The spirit of the 1992, referring to the 1992 Koo-Wang talks or [in] the spirit of the 1992 Koo-Wang talks. |
不被矮化、不被地方化、不被邊緣化 | The people of Taiwan will not be downgraded. We will not be treated as a local government. [and] Taiwan will no longer be marginalized. |
台灣優先、經濟優先、投資優先 | [On the principle that ] Taiwan comes first, our economy comes first, and investment comes first. or Putting Taiwan first, the economy first, and investment first. |
台灣優先、全球佈局、互惠雙贏、風險管理 | (1) Putting Taiwan's interest first, while maintaining a global perspective (2) [In order to attain] Mutual benefit with sound risk management |
戰鬥內閣 | A proactive Cabinet |
人權立國 | A nation founded upon the principles of human rights or Building our nation upon the principles of human rights |
國家人權委員會 | National Human Rights Commission |
年輕台灣、活力政府 | A youthful Taiwan [and] an energetic government. |
深耕台灣,佈局全球 | Richly cultivating Taiwan while reaching out to the world or [with the aim of ] "cultivating localization while promoting globalization" for Taiwan. |
綠色矽島 | [a] [the] green silicon island |
志工台灣 | Volunteer Taiwan |
新中間路線 | (Forging/Finding/Taking) [A] or [The] new "middle road" |
台灣精神 | The Taiwanese spirit or "the spirit of Taiwan" |
經發會 | Economic Development Advisory Conference |
要穩定、大改革、拚經濟、掃黑金 | [With] Political stability, comprehensive reform, economic revitalization, and eradication of "black gold " politics [being the goal] |
查賄選、掃黑金 | [A crackdown] or [Cracking down] on vote-buying and "black gold" politics. |
政府改造委員會 | Government Reform Commission (recommended) or Government Reform Committee (if name is already consistently used) |
投資台灣優先 | investment in Taiwan first |
數位台灣計畫 | e-Taiwan initiative |
深化民主、改造政府、迎向國際、投資未來 | Deepen democracy, reform government, promote internationalization, and invest for the long term |
台灣要站起來,台灣要走出去,世界走進來 | Taiwan will stand tall, reach out, and open its doors to the world. |
一邊一國 | There is one country on each side of the Taiwan Strait"; or "One side, one country" |
世界島 | global island |
品種、品質、品牌的「三品農業」 | Agricultural Triune Traits of Variety, Quality and Brand |
人權諮詢委員會 | Human Rights Advisory Council |
憲政改革要成功、民主改革要過關 | Success for Constitutional Reform, Victory for Democratic Renewal |
公投入憲 | incorporating into the Constitution the people's right to referendum on constitutional revision or codifying national referendum in the Constitution |
單一選區兩票制 | implementing a single-district, two-vote system in the legislative election |
三合一 | Three-in-one |
二合一 | Two-in-one |
九二共識 | 1992 consensus |
兩岸一中 | Two Shores, One China |
一中各表 | There is one China for which each side has its own interpretation . |
一中原則 | "one China" principle |
總督府 | Office of the Governor-General |
總督官邸 | Governor-General's residence |
反分裂國家法 | Anti-separation Law |
民主和平護台灣 | Safeguarding Taiwan with Democracy and Peace |
保民主、要和平、護台灣 | Protect Democracy! We Want Peace! Protect Taiwan! |
五大國會改革重點 | The Five Major Issues of National Assembly Reform |
金融改革元年 | the first year of our financial reform |
二五八金改、 「二五八」金融改革 | "2-5-8" financial reform |
「民主、對等、和平」原則 | principle of "democracy, parity, and peace" |
價值同盟、民主同盟、安全同盟及經濟同盟 | value alliance, democratic alliance , security alliance and economic alliance |
海洋立國 | Ocean country |
「敦睦遠航」任務 | The friendship flotilla's duty |
新國家安全 | new national security |
合時、合身、合用 | timely, relevant and viable |
任務型國大 | ad hoc National Assembly |
法理上獨立 | de jure independence |
總統經濟顧問小組 | Presidential Economic Advisory Panel |
解除戒嚴 | lifting of martial law or lifting of the Emergency Decree or lifting martial law |
開放黨禁報禁 | lifting the ban on newspaper publications or political parties or no more restrictions on political parties or the publication of newspapers |
國會全面改選 | complete re-election of national legislature |
總統直接民選 | direct election of the president or direct presidential elections |
一個原則、三項安排 | one principle, three arrangements. |
憲政改造委員會 | Constitutional Reform Committee |
挑戰 2008 :國家發展重點計畫 | Challenge 2008 Six-Year National Development Plan |
新十大建設 | Ten New Major Construction Projects |
國家經建藍圖 | National Economic Construction Blueprint |
民主太平洋聯盟亞太區域會議 | Pan-Asia Conference of the Democratic Pacific Union |
民主太平洋聯盟 | Pacific Democratic Alliance |
創新研發、創投獲利、及創造價值 | innovative R&D, profitable investments and creative value |
台灣站起來、走出去 | Taiwan stands up and reaches out to the world |
贏者圈 | winners' circle or winner's circle |
紫色大綬景星勳章 | order of Brilliant Star with Violet Grand Cordon |
第二階段金融改革 | second-phase financial reform |
和平公投 | peace referendum |
雙首長制 | dual executive system or dual-executive system |
國家主權三段論 | three-point thesis on Taiwan's sovereignty |
中國威脅論 | China threat thesis |
台灣衫 | Taiwan shirt |
「和平共生」、「民主深化」、「協商合作」、「人文復興」 | "peaceful coexistence," "democratic deepening," "consultation and cooperation," and "renaissance of humanism" |
「人類安全的衝突」、「民主鞏固的反撲」、「金融經濟的風暴」,以及「永續發展的瓶頸」 | "conflicts impacting human security," "lapses in democratic consolidation," "financial and economic crises," and "stagnation in sustainable development" |
太平洋人文復興 | Pacific renaissance of humanism |
性別主流化諮詢顧問小組 | Advisory Panel on Gender Mainstreaming |
讓台灣走出去,讓世界走進來 | for Taiwan to reach out and open its doors to the world |
「海岸守備」和「城鎮防衛」實兵操演 | coastal and urban defense exercises |
共生主權 | symbiotic sovereignty or sovereignty based on symbiosis |
台灣衛生實體 | Taiwan Health Entity |
日華懇談會 | Japan-ROC Diet Members' Consultative Council |
太平洋世紀—藍色文明 | Blue Civilization of the Pacific Century |
「科技、人文、柔性」的太平洋 | Pacific Region based on technology, humanism, and soft power |
非核家園 | nuclear-free homeland |
政治的歸政治,經濟的歸經濟 | politics and economics should not mix |
總統府人權諮詢委員會 | presidential Human Rights Advisory Committee |
一個世界‧一個夢想 | One World, One Dream |
一個和平的世界、實現一個自由的夢想 | a world of peace, to realize the dream of freedom |
兩岸關係正常化 | normalization of cross-strait relations |
台海權力新平衡 | new balance of power in the Taiwan Strait |
兩岸和平穩定互動的架構 | peace and stability framework for cross-strait interaction |
爭取談,不怕拖 | strive for opportunities to talk and not worry about delays |
攜手登峰‧永續共榮之旅 | "Joining Hands for Mutual Sustainable Prosperity" trip |
中華民國 ( 台灣 ) 與中美洲國家及多明尼加元首高峰會 | the Summit of the Heads of States and Governments of the Republic of China, Central American Countries, and the Dominican Republic |
榮邦計畫 | Rong Bang Project (a government program aimed at pursuing common prosperity with Taiwan's diplomatic allies in Central America) |
民主台灣 | democratic Taiwan |
人權台灣 | human rights-oriented Taiwan |
民主的台灣、自由的台灣、人權的台灣 | democratic, free, and human rights-oriented Taiwan |
貿易多往來、互惠雙贏展新局,千里一線牽、志工關懷滿人間 | More trade interaction helps to bring about a win-win situation and services from volunteers fill society with loving care, thereby linking the two sides of the Taiwan Strait together. |
「尊崇自由」、「重視人權」、「尊重道德」 | honor freedom, human rights, and morality |
知識產業 | knowledge-based industries |
棒球外交 | baseball diplomacy |
創新、群聚、台灣新活力 | innovation, togetherness, and a new Taiwan vitality |
創新突破、價值再造 | keep innovating and create new values |
投資台灣、佈局全球 | invest in Taiwan while reaching out to the world |
「族群和解」、「政治和解」與「兩岸和平」 | ethnic harmony, political reconciliation, and cross-strait peace |
「台灣團結、民主進步、親民愛民、國民安康」 | May Taiwan be united as one, its democracy progressive, its officials devoted to the people; and its people secure, prosperous, and healthy |
社會的良心、台灣的驕傲 | the conscience of society and the pride of Taiwan |
柔性力量 | soft power |
簽訂「文化公約」、「推展文化普及」、「落實文化紮根」及「推動文化下鄉」 | sign a cultural convention , promote the prevalence of culture , deepen the root of Taiwanese culture , and spread culture into the countryside |
文化覺醒 | cultural awakening |
卸任總統副總統禮遇條例 | the Statute Governing Preferential Treatment to Former Presidents and Vice Presidents |
國策顧問 | national policy advisor |
新國家秩序 | new national order |
新民主價值 | a new value of democracy |
總統府地方文化展 | Local Cultural Exhibition at the Office of the President |
願景領航、使命相隨;創新深耕、一起成長 | navigate with vision and mission, and grow with innovation |
特種大綬景星勳章 | order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon |
一鄉一特色 | one village, one characteristic |
台灣新婦 | new Taiwanese wives |
政權和平轉移 | peaceful transfer of political power |
高雄美麗島事件 | Kaohsiung Incident |
世界和平大會 | Global Peace Assembly |
太平洋女性發展中心 | Pacific Center for Women's Development |
太平洋遙測中心 | Pacific Ocean Remote Sensing Center |
太平洋國會連線 | Pacific Caucus of Congressional Members |
太平洋顧問團 | Pacific Advisory Group |
太平洋網路大學 | Pacific Online University |
掃除黑金 | eliminate "black-gold" politics |
杜絕賄選 | eliminate vote-buying practices |
強化政策透明度 | reinforce policy transparency |
「建構政治秩序」、「改善人民生計」、「擴展國際參與」、「捍衛安全和平」 | "establish political order," "improve people's livelihood," "expand our country's participation in the international community," and "safeguard security and peace" |
除舊佈新大改革 | "remove out-dated and malign measures, usher in new ones, and carry out comprehensive reforms" |
「六大改革」 | Six Reform Priorities |
和解不退縮、堅定不對立 | reconciliation without retreat, resolve without confrontation |
維持自我防衛能力、捍衛台海安全和平 | Maintain self-defense capabilities and defend security and peace in the Taiwan Strait |
憲政改造工程 | constitutional reengineering/reform |
過渡憲法 | interim constitution |
建設性夥伴關係 | constructive partnership |
台灣主體意識 | Taiwan consciousness |
主權在民 | popular sovereignty |
主權、民主、和平、對等 | sovereignty, democracy, peace and parity |
「法律戰、輿論戰、心理戰」的「三戰」策略 | the "three war" strategy, waging "legal warfare, media warfare, and psychological warfare" |
法理爭奪、輿論較量、心理攻勢 | legal challenges, media contests, and psychological attacks |
所謂的「軟硬兩手」策略 | the so-called "carrot and stick" strategy |
二次經發會 | Second Economic Development Advisory Conference |
所得基本稅額條例 | Basic Income Tax Code |
不當黨產的追討 | investigation and reclamation of assets improperly acquired by political parties |
未來的推動必然是由下而上、由外而內 | our course of action will be a "bottom-up and outside-in" approach |
台灣新憲法 | Taiwan's New Constitution |
新憲公投 | a referendum on the new Constitution |
清廉執政 | good governance with honesty and integrity |
九六年台海危機 | Taiwan Strait Crisis of 1996 |
國統會 | National Unification Council |
國統綱領 | National Unification Guidelines |
立場堅定、務實前進 | be firm on our stances and proceed with our goals pragmatically |
「國統會」之終止運作及《國統綱領》之終止適用 | ceasing the function of the National Unification Council as well as ceasing the application of the National Unification Guidelines |
台北走出去,世界走進來 | help Taipei reach out to the world while inviting the world to come to Taiwan |
自稱「和平崛起」 | self-acclaimed "peaceful emergence" |
和平的覺醒 | peaceful awakening |
兩岸會談 | Strait Talk |
六方會談 | six-party talks |
矮化台灣 | belittle Taiwan |
邊緣化台灣 | marginalize Taiwan |
九二香港會談 | 1992 Hong Kong meeting |
終極統一 | ultimate unification |
有效嚇阻、防衛固守 | effective deterrence and solid defense |
預防戰爭、國土防衛及反恐制變 | prevent war, defend our homeland, and counter terrorism and respond to contingencies |
柔性斬首 | soft decapitation |
「 258 」戰略目標 | the 2-5-8 strategic goal |
一位建設性的合作夥伴 | a constructive and cooperative partner |
法理台獨 | de jure Taiwan independence |
外交小尖兵 | little diplomatic sentry |
自清、改革、權力下放 | self-purification, reform, and delegation of power |
「常備打擊、後備守土」的作戰特性 | "offensive-defensive" tactics |
主權、民主、和平及對等的四大原則 | the four principles of sovereignty, democracy, peace, and parity |
三安:國家安全、社會安定、人民安心 | Three S's: national security, social stability, people's safety |
藍天,綠地,好台灣 | Blue Sky, Green Land, Perfect Taiwan |
國家認同的分歧,政黨政治的惡鬥,轉型正義的難題,憲政體制的選擇 | divisions over national identity, the vicious competition between political parties, problems related to transitional justice, and the choice of constitutional system |
第一屆台灣與太平洋友邦元首高峰會議 | the First Taiwan-Pacific Allies Summit |
審議式民主 | deliberative democracy |
準軍事同盟關係 | quasi-military alliance |
國務機要費 | discretionary state affairs fund |
台灣是一個島國,絕對不是一個鎖國 | Taiwan is an "island" nation, but never an "isolated" nation. |
台灣是一個世界島,是全世界的一部份 | Taiwan is a "global island" that belongs to the world. |
台灣與非洲友邦元首高峰會 | Taiwan-African Allies Summit |
聯合國憲章會籍普及化原則 | the principle of universality of membership proclaimed in the U.N. Charter |
朝鮮半島非核化 | denuclearization of the Korean peninsula |
全方位外交策略 | multidimensional diplomatic strategy |
全民外交 | people's diplomacy |
漢賊不兩立 | the legitimate government does not coexist with rebels |
賊立漢不立 | the legitimate government gives way to rebels |
以黨領政、黨政不分、黨庫通國庫 | the state was dominated by the KMT party; there was no distinction between party and state; and funds were channeled to party coffers from the national treasury. |
沒有真相就沒有和解,沒有真相就沒有寬恕 | Without truth, there can be no reconciliation; without truth, there can be no forgiveness. |
增加投資台灣、創造就業機會、拉近城鄉距離、縮短貧富差距 | attracting more investment to Taiwan, creating job opportunities, reducing inequalities between urban and rural areas, and narrowing the income gap |
深化海洋民主聯盟、建立全方位夥伴關係 | strengthening oceanic democratic alliances and realizing comprehensive partnership |
兩項議案,分別是「台灣 2300 萬人民在聯合國的代表權及參與問題」,以及「聯合國應該在維護東亞地區之和平與安全上扮演積極角色」 | two proposals: the question of the representation and participation of the 23 million people of Taiwan in the United Nations; and the proactive role of the UN in maintaining peace and security in East Asia region |
集體人權 | collective human rights |
三大運動,其中包括:第一、催生一部合時、合身、合用的台灣新憲法;第二、以台灣名義申請加入聯合國;第三、全民催討中國國民黨在過去統治時期用不公不義手段所取得的黨產。 | three big movements: First, we need to expedite a new constitution for Taiwan that is timely , proper, and viable; second, we must apply for admission to the United Nations under the name of Taiwan; and third, our people must seek the return of KMT assets acquired through unfair, unjust means during its former period of rule. |
堅持台灣主體意識以及落實社會公平正義的兩大路線 | stick to the two overarching directions of insisting on Taiwan-centric consciousness and realizing social equity and justice |
固有疆域 | existing national territory |
第二共和憲法 | a "Second Republic" constitution |
台灣地位未定論 | the view that Taiwan's international status is undetermined |
中國對台「三光」外交政策,就是要挖光、堵光、擠光台灣所有的邦交國及國際空間, | China has launched the so-called "three alls" foreign policy strategy, which is to snatch away all of Taiwan's diplomatic allies, obstruct all our activities, and squeeze all our room for activities in the international community. |
「五化」政策─矮化、邊緣化、地方化、去政府化、去主權化 | a "fivefold transformation" policy—to belittle, marginalize, and localize Taiwan, delegitimize Taiwan's government, and deny the sovereignty of Taiwan |
不獨不武 | no Taiwan independence, no use of force by China |
軍隊國家化 | nationalization of the military |
「全民皆健康」、「衛生無間隙衛生無弱點」 | "health for all" and "health without gaps or weaknesses" |
「維護原住民族尊嚴」、「保障原住民族權利」、「促進原住民族發展」 | the three principles of safeguarding the indigenous peoples' dignity, protecting their rights, and promoting their development |
320 和平公投 | March 2004 Peace Referendum |
四要一沒有 | four imperatives and one non-issue |
台灣要獨立、台灣要正名、台灣要新憲、台灣要發展、台灣沒有所謂左右的問題,只有統獨的問題 | It is imperative for Taiwan to be independent. It is imperative for Taiwan to rectify its name. It is imperative for Taiwan to create a new constitution. It is imperative for Taiwan to develop. There exists no issue of left vs. right in Taiwan politics, but only the issue of independence vs. unification. |
帛琉宣言 | The Palau Declaration |
有意義的參與 | "meaningful participation" |
以台灣的名義申請加入 WHO 與 UN | application to participate in the World Health Organization and the United Nations under the name "Taiwan" |