女生根本不需要了解那麼多 <--錯
達到她的需要 一切都好辦
簡單的說 就是 不幸的事 是在自己認可的情況下 那才是真真不幸的發生
自己認為不幸 那才真的完蛋
人就變陰暗了 那就快樂不起來啦
<embed pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://prb999.net/pixnet/080223/mar_cocos.swf" width="550" height="25" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="opaque" flashvars="txt=好累呀~學習英文就是要有GUTS,每天一點一點的練,不間段,凡事都用英文思考...就會進步的" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" />
字首字根 字彙 出題者
2008/4/10 p.326 ~ p.332 p.364 ~ p.369 Regina
2008/4/15 P.23 ~ P.25
P.371 ~ P.374 P.380 ~ P.383 Janet
2008/4/17 p.84 ~ p.87 p.250 ~ p.254 彭
2008/4/22 p.474 ~ p.480 p.492 ~ p.494 Regina
2008/4/24 p.397 ~ p.401 p.402 ~ p.405 彭
2008/4/28 p.402-408 p.442-445 sainhen
2008/5/1 p.149 ~ p.155 p.422 ~ p.425 gene
2008/5/6 p.143 ~ p.148 p.200 ~ p.203 sainhen
2008/5/8 p.276 ~ p.285 p.128 ~ p.131 gene
2008/5/13 p.234 ~ 241 p.672 ~ p. 678 彭
p.252~252 p.640~645
p.295~297 p.116~121
p.500~509 p.606~611
2008/6/1 p.94~97 p.410~413
2008/6/5 p.104, 105, 114,
p.115, 126, 127 p.192 ~ p.195 Regina
2008/6/10 p.167~174 p.470~473
2008/6/12 p.517~523
: : 2. 對象:想要增加字彙能力的人
: : 性別不拘,好相處,不無故缺席
: : 3. 目標:提升單字的理解力及運用能力
: : 4. 原因:覺得自己用字太淺,不夠精準;字彙量也不夠多
: : 而且一個人背單字,實在很容易怠惰
: : 5. 地點:台電大樓對面的STARBUCKS
: : 6. 時間:時間為星期二四,下午2:00~4:00。每週兩次
: : 7. 方式:每次讀書會結束後,考題答錯最多者當下一次的主持人
: : 主持人需要準備讀書會教材及考題
: : 準備資料的費用,需請主持人自行負擔
: : 每次討論內容:
: : 1. 主持人簡短介紹"字首字根"。5~10 min
: : 2. 各自背單字 (字首+核心字彙,共50個) 70 min
: : 3. 單字測驗 (包含本次50個單字及前次單字任選25個) 30 min
: : 4. 檢討考題,互相討論
: : 8. 範圍:利用以下兩本書做為讀書會材料
: : 1. 最重要的100個英文字首字根
: : http://findbook.tw/book/9789575866716/basic
: : 2. 英文核心字彙
: : http://www.monday.com.tw/gdsale/gdbkstore.asp?gdid=244820
9. 人數限制:目前每次約4人參加,想要再增加1~3名成員
: : 10.解散條件:人數少於3人,成員興趣缺缺
: : 11.運作規則:如同上述
: : 請有興趣的版友寄信至站內信箱給我,請記得附上以下資料
: : 1. 簡單自介:
: : 2. 可以參加的時段:
: : 3. 希望的地點:
: : 4. 對讀書會的期待:
: : 5. 站外e-mail信箱 / MSN:
小草,JOSON 你們人都不錯~ 祝你們未來國外求學順利 與 事事都順心~
escort: [ is'kɔ:t ]
n. 護送者,護衛者,護航艦
v. 護衛,護送
1.He offered to be her escort, but she declined it.
2.The troop ship was escorted by two warships.
extort: [ iks'tɔ:t ]
v. 勒索,敲詐,強要
1.Something of value extorted in this manner.
2.An unwarranted fee, such as one extorted from a new prisoner by a jailer.
資產負載表 Balance Sheet
損益表 Income Statement
現金流表 Cash Flow Statment
對等連接詞(主要是and, or 與but 三個)可用來連接句子中任何兩個
He spoke to George and me.
對等連接詞連接名詞George 與代名詞me,共同放在介系詞to 後面當
受詞、構成介系詞片語to George and me,用來修飾動詞spoke 的對象。
可以用上相關字組both … and:
He spoke both to George and to me.
both A and B
either A or B; neither A nor B
not only A but also B
A. He did not like us, and everyone knew, but no one admitted it.
對等子句 對等子句
Either he did not like our hairstyle, or we had offended him in some other way.
對等子句 對等子句
Not only is China the world's most populous state but it is also the largest
market in the 21st century
I find it hard to believe that he didn’t take the money.
關係代名詞 連接詞 疑問詞
Babylon is what is now Bagdad.
plaintiff 原告
defendant 被告
ubiquitous 無所不在
Talk it out. That's the first advice most victims are given in the wake of trauma. Conventional wisdom would suggest that burying one's emotions after a violent incident — such as a school shooting or terrorist bombing — will only lead to deeper anxiety later on. Yet, while mental health practitioners widely subscribe to this truism, it has rarely been tested outside a laboratory setting — past studies have found a lack of convincing evidence to support the use of psychological debriefing to mitigate trauma — and some experts think the theory doesn't hold up in every situation.
Researchers at the University at Buffalo and University of California, Irvine, explored the question by compiling survey data from a random sample of 2,000 Americans after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. What they discovered surprised them — participants who chose not to discuss their feelings right after the attacks often fared better over the subsequent two years than those who did. "We constantly tell people it's wrong to hold feelings inside," says lead author Mark Seery, a psychology professor at Buffalo. "But our findings [suggest] the exact opposite."
Using an online survey, Seery and his colleagues gave Americans the opportunity to write about their thoughts on the 9/11 terrorist attacks, both on that day and for a few days afterward. Of some 2,000 people surveyed, about three-quarters choose to articulate their emotional response to the events. Older participants agreed more readily than younger ones, and people who had experienced relatively more trauma in their lives tended to write longer reactions. The researchers then followed both groups, evaluating their mental and physical well-being on several occasions over the next two years. A clear pattern soon emerged: compared with those who stayed mum, people who openly responded after 9/11 tended to report more symptoms of post-traumatic stress and general stress, as well as more physician-diagnosed ailments. Indeed, the more in-depth the participant's initial response, the worse off he or she was physically and mentally in the following years. The study, which was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Mental Health, will be published in this month's Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.
Seery and his colleagues did not delve specifically into why demonstrative participants experienced worse outcomes than the less expressive ones. His best conjecture is that the former group was more deeply affected by the event at the outset, and therefore, naturally inclined to suffer more stress in the long term. That hypothesis is based on the fact that survey respondents who lived closer to the World Trade Center as well as those who were most directly affected were more likely than others to share their feelings. These groups also exhibited poorer mental health over time. But that relationship wasn't consistent: in some instances, people who lived closest to the New York City attacks were the most resilient. "Most likely, some of these [participants] were concerned citizens after 9/11, but not traumatized people," says Richard Tedeschi, a professor and expert on trauma at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. "Their decisions about how to react will vary based on how significant the event was to them. That judgment has to be taken into account."
Seery admits his study had other limitations: for one, participants were asked to self-select whether or not they wrote about their feelings — rather than being randomly assigned to do so — which was necessary to assess each person's decision-making process, but created an inherent bias. Participants were also asked to discuss their feelings on just one occasion and immediately following the terrorist attacks; clinical practice, however, is to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients no earlier than one month after an ordeal. As Tedeschi notes, "Some people just need more time to process their feelings and decide whether to take action."
Perhaps the most significant drawback of the report is that the researchers had no method of measuring whether people who discussed their feelings actually got any benefit from it — in other words, it's possible that having the opportunity to emote protected respondents from suffering even worse outcomes than they would have otherwise. Previous research shows how important that distinction may be. About 10% of people who experience a trauma will eventually develop PTSD, a life-altering chronic condition, and some 5.2 million Americans suffer PTSD in any given year, according to the American Psychological Association. A recent Pentagon report showed also that military personnel appear are particularly vulnerable to PTSD, with about 20% of service members returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan exhibiting symptoms. Repeatedly, scientists have shown that the most effective means of treating PTSD is through immediate and comprehensive psychiatric counseling. "Post-trauma counseling is more than just expression-based interventions," says Robin Goodman, a New York City–based psychologist who worked with 9/11 survivors. "You also have to equip patients with skills to cope, methods to manage the pain they're experiencing."
Seery agrees that his study shouldn't discourage anyone from seeking counseling after a trauma, if they believe they will benefit from it. Instead, he stresses that what the new findings do reinforce is that no one should be pressured into therapy against their will either. "The implication of our work is that people handle bad situations differently and we need to accept that reality," Seery says, adding, "There's no single solution that fits everyone."
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008
Talking Out Trauma: Not Always a Help
By Kathleen Kingsbury
■書名:讀李家同學英文1—我的盲人恩師(My Blind Mentor)
讀李家同學英文3—我只有八歲(I'm Only Eight Years Old)
讀李家同學英文4—竊聽者(The Eavesdroppers)
讀李家同學英文5—我在天堂嗎?(Am I in Heaven?)
(Fatal English Grammatical Errors)
1. 兩個動詞連在一起。 | ||
I am love you. | ( I love you.) | |
He wants drink water. | ( He wants to drink water.) | |
The world is changes all the time. | ( The world changes all the time.) | |
2. 誤將附屬子句單獨使用。 | ||
When everyone is tired and hungry. | ||
Because I'm not used to the weather. | ||
Although he does not like the idea. | ||
3. 單數第三人稱現在式,動詞忘了加 s。 | ||
He like you. | ( He likes you.) | |
My uncle go to work by bus. | ( My uncle goes to work by bus.) | |
The story make me sad. | ( The story makes me sad.) | |
4. 忘了在 不定詞 to 後面使用原形動詞。 | ||
I like to swimming. | ( I like to swim.) | |
I forgot to picked him up. | ( I forgot to pick him up.) | |
5. 助動詞後面的主要動詞沒有使用原形動詞。 | ||
He did not went to the park with us yesterday. | ( He did not go to the park with us yesterday.) | |
He will not does it. | ( He will not do it.) | |
I should not sent him the letter. | ( I should not send him the letter.) | |
He does not enjoying the conversation class at all. | ( He does not enjoy the conversation class at all.) | |
6. 動詞和主詞不一致。 | ||
I were at home last night. | ( I was at home last night.) | |
He have no friends to talk to. | ( He has no friends to talk to.) | |
The books is not mine. | ( The books are not mine.) | |
She do not have a car. | ( She does not have a car.) | |
7. 句子結構錯誤(句子沒有動詞、主詞或兩個句子連用卻無任何連接詞)。 | ||
He very happy. | ( He is very happy.) | |
Many people interested in music. | ( Many people are interested in music.) | |
Cannot swim. | ( I/You/He/We/They cannot swim.) | |
The train must have left, you had better go by bus instead. | ( The train must have left, so you had better go by bus instead.) | |
8. 動詞的時態使用錯誤。 | ||
He watches TV now. | ( He is watching TV now.) | |
He studied English since he was ten years old. | ( He has studied English since he was ten years old.) | |
We live in Paris in 1990. | ( We lived in Paris in 1990.) | |
When I went to see him yesterday, he is watching TV. | ( When I went to see him yesterday, he was watching TV.) | |
9. 現在完成式或過去完成式中的過去分詞用錯。 | ||
He has wrote three novels. | ( He has written three novels.) | |
I had finish the paper before you arrived. | ( I had finished the paper before you arrived.) | |
10. 在被動語氣 be 動詞的後面忘了用過去分詞。 | ||
He is like by everyone. | ( He is liked by everyone.) | |
Rice is grow in this country. | ( Rice is grown in this country.) | |
11. 人稱代名詞的格用錯,尤其是主格和受格。 | ||
I don't like they. | ( I don't like them.) | |
You have to make a choice between John and I. | ( You have to make a choice between John and me.) | |
12. 可數名詞與不可數名詞誤用。 | ||
No equipments are needed. | ( No equipment is needed.) | |
Jogging is good exercise. | ( Jogging is a good exercise.) | |
13. 不定冠詞 a和 an 的誤用。(凡是一個字的發音是母音開始的,就必須搭配 an,反之則搭配 a。) | ||
She is a artist. | ( She is an artist.) | |
I bought an used car. | ( I bought a used car.) | |
14. 動詞誤作名詞使用。 | ||
I like play tennis. | ( I like playing tennis.) | |
Kill people cannot solve the problem. | ( Killing people cannot solve the problem.) | |
15. 動詞誤作形容詞使用。 | ||
This is a win team. | ( This is a winning team.) | |
This was the lose child. | ( This was the lost child.) | |
16. 該有助動詞的句子沒有助動詞。 | ||
Why he killed him? | ( Why did he kill him?) | |
Why they came so late? | ( Why did they come so late?) | |
17. 該用被動語氣的地方卻使用主動語氣。 | ||
He transformed into a good person. | ( He was transformed into a good person.) | |
This is the book writing by Professor Smith. | ( This is the book written by Professor Smith.) | |
18. 兩個句子中間沒有用"when"、"where"、"who"...等。 | ||
He is a man can run very fast. | ( He is a man who can run very fast.) | |
He is a man swims every morning. | ( He is a man who swims every morning.) | |
19. 忘了有些動詞必須以分詞形式出現。 | ||
He will interest in music when he grows up. | ( He will be interested in music when he grows up.) | |
I disappoint that you did not show up. | ( I am disappointed that you did not show up.) | |
20. 過去分詞和現在分詞用反了。 | ||
He is interesting in music. | ( He is interested in music.) | |
He is exciting about the book. | ( He is excited about the book.) | |
Sorry, I am confusing about what you said. | ( Sorry, I am confused about what you said.) | |
The story is confused to everyone, isn't it? | ( The story is confusing to everyone, isn't it?) | |
This music is excited to all of the kids. | ( The music is exciting to all of the kids.) | |
21. 不及物動詞以被動語氣出現。 | ||
Your paper will be appeared soon, won't it? | ( Your paper will appear soon, won't it?) | |
The war between Iraq and the U.S. would be happened soon. | ( The war between Iraq and the U.S. would happen soon.) | |
22. 形容詞誤用為名詞。 | ||
I cannot live in poor. | ( I cannot live in poverty.) | |
This cannot eliminate the possible of wars. | ( This cannot eliminate the possibility of wars.) |
Reference : http://english.csie.ncnu.edu.tw/modules/profile/listFatalError.php via Google Search